Reinventing practices, institutions and rights in mental health: advanced training in Mental Health and collaborative research
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Over the last decade, in some countries, mental health care reforms and national and international debates on human rights in mental health have sought to include the voices and experiential knowledge of users, associations and activists in this field.
In Brazil, this is still a trend, but it is not widely known and needs to be revived in some areas, such as Bahia.

The course will be held on May 6 and 7 between 9am and 4pm at the GERAR facilities, Rua Dr. Augusto Viana, 31 B, Canela (in front of the UFBA Rectory) and is aimed at: professionals in the field of mental health; researchers and students; users of mental health services; caregivers; activists in mental health; the general public interested in human rights.

Representatives of the following associations and movements:
AMEA - Associação Metamorfose Ambulante (Walking Metamorphosis Association)
CdF - Comunidade de Fala
Associação Papo de Mulher