This seminar aims to explore and discuss the different approaches and challenges related to peer support in mental health and the production of narratives about madness and gender in the press. The seminar aims to promote a deeper and more critical understanding of these areas by encouraging dialogue between professionals, scholars, and researchers on the subject. In addition, the seminar aims to encourage multidisciplinary approaches in reflecting on the production of narratives in and for global mental health.
14.00: Introduction by Tiago Pires Marques and Sílvia Portugal
14.15: “Echo in Silence and Health: The Production of Narratives on Madness and Gender in the Brazilian Press”, by Camila Fortes
14.45: Debate
15.15: “Narratives of recovery of people in psychosocial distress from peer support groups: the Community of Speech”, by Laís Chagas
16.15: Debate
16.30: Closing